Daily note for 27 June 2023

I’m trying a tweak to the way I write these notes, in that I have switched from using Obsidian to Simplenote. Main reason for this is that Simplenote has apps across Windows, MacOS and iOS and syncs across them all - https://simplenote.com

I don’t often want to add stuff I see on my phone, but it happens just enough to make it annoying that my previous workflow didn’t allow for it.

It lacks the ability to post direct to WordPress but I think I can get it to work via my phone by sharing the note in question with the iOS WordPress app. Will let you know how that goes.

It’s owned - I think? - by Automattic (effectively the corporate overseers of WordPress) so am a bit surprised there isn’t more obvious integration. It is possible to publish a note though, like this: https://app.simplenote.com/p/gvHGj3

Simplenote is free but has an option to pay about £200 a year for no extra features whatsoever, which is an intriguing value proposition.

Giles Turnbull recommends hiring more writers: https://gilest.org/hire-more-writers.html

This is fasincating. I know nothing of Simple Minds at all: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jun/27/a-nuclear-reactor-of-music-the-story-of-simple-minds-classic-album-empires-and-dance

"A Dialog in Real Time (Strategy)" https://www.filfre.net/2023/06/a-dialog-in-real-time-strategy/

"Meet ‘Heina’ Chen, The Secretive Executive Holding The Purse Strings At Binance" https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhyatt/2023/06/14/binance-sec-cz-guangying-chen/
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