Excel Daily Use Formulas.

1. Extract Number from Sentence in Excel.
=SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&A2,LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(--MID(A2,ROW($1:$25),1))* ROW($1:$25),0),ROW($1:$25))+1,1)*10^ROW($1:$25)/10)
=RIGHT(A2,SUM(LEN(A2) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2, {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"},""))))

2. I use a helper column in which I concatenate the number with a letter to make it an alphanumeric entry.
=concatenate("a",'large number cell') or ="a"&'large number cell'

3. Countif Using Vlookup
=COUNTIF('Download Till Date Visits '!A2:$A$41908,VLOOKUP(Sheet1!B2,'Download Till Date Visits '!$A$2:$A$41908,1,0))

4. How to find Last Digit in Excel

5. =DAY(DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)+1,0))

6. Latest Entry in Google Form.
=MAXIFS('Form Responses 1'!A:A,'Form Responses 1'!C:C,D2,'Form Responses 1'!D:D,C2)
==MAXIFS'TimeStamp,'ULB Names,ULB Name,'Phases,Phase)

7. Sum using Specific Criteria
=SUMIF(range, criteria, (sum_range))

8. Split after specific chrater and put the value.

9. Copy Only Value for Addition if the value with formula not working.

10 Sum with #N/A

11.Sum with #N/A but sum different-different shell

12. use to get numbers between alphabets.
=SPLIT( LOWER(A2) ; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " )

13. remove specific symbol in excel.

14.how to remove any unwanted characters (symbols, alphabet, number) from the text in excel
=CODE(J2) to get the code of any character
=SUBSTITUTE(M2,CHAR(33),"") to remove that unwanted code

15. Fined latest visit or latest entry.
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