Hiya fellow Flipboard'ers!

This is your magazine "curator"
Wanted to recognize my mania these past couple days and apologize for any ranting that may of been in any way offensive.

From time to time I struggle conveying a message due to the aforementioned hypermania and a lil brain damage doesn't help... Lots of run-on's and often side-tracked mid point...

Much love
Stay open minded
Stay awake and aware and be compassionate to one another. We're all humans and the simplest truths are sometimes just that, true, but their simplicity eludes as we've grown used to complex explanations to problems our leaders have still yet to solve and, we've been mislead and manipulated by both sides, in a way—that's less important than this fact, this simple truth. We all deserve to reach our potentiality undeterred, that is the American dream, but so is that of the freedom each reserves to not suffer the oppressive when reaching our dream and to not oppress another as a means to our own end, we can all end together by whatever un-oppressive means we need...

But this new partisan rift is growing dangerous
We already have racism, gender, LGBT issues we do not need extra friction based upon two parties with ideologies neither truly adhere to only worthless verbiage paid in tribute and a few acts here and there to satiate the base, but it's near a flame...

Wish I could write how I had before I stabbed myself to die three times 3/5:00 each, lol, it's an insecurity of mine, writing poorly...
Damn Tramadol Induced psychosis mixed manic suicides...

Stay humane
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