100 ways to make a story idea

  1. Steal the plot of another story

  2. Adopt a plot on the NaNo forums

  3. Combine a fairy tale with a different genre or time period

  4. Use the titles of an album or playlist as plot points/chapter titles

  5. Snowflake method

  6. Free write

  7. Fanfiction

  8. Based on real events

  9. Based on an interesting person you know in real life

  10. Use an alternative history

  11. Use a list of random words as plot points

  12. Write a sequel to an existing story

  13. Write a Coen brothers-esque story

  14. Take inspiration from a particular time period

  15. Take an existing story and change its style or genre

  16. Take an existing conflict from current events and switch up its details/style/genre

  17. Ask a series of what if questions

  18. Write a prequel or origin story to an existing story

  19. Use characters and events from previous, unfinished stories

  20. Write what you know

  21. Write what you don’t know

  22. Write what you wish you knew

  23. Based on a board game

  24. Based on D&D

  25. Use a writing prompt

  26. Make a list of 100 plot ideas

  27. Rewrite an existing story (original or otherwise)

  28. Write a Stanley Kubrick-esque story

  29. Write from the perspective of a dead historical figure

  30. Write about a character who’s traveling through different existing stories like the Energizer bunny

  31. Use the Writer Emergency Pack

  32. Use story dice (or whatever they’re called)

  33. Make up some different characters and then see how you can relate them to each other

  34. Turn a movie or TV show into a novel

  35. Write an original story story that takes place in an exiting story’s world

  36. Look through old plot idea notes

  37. Turn your friends into characters in a story (a la Fatman)

  38. Turn a poem into a full story

  39. Turn a short film (like the ones from Dust) into a story

  40. Based on a video game

  41. Based on an obscure/odd profession

  42. Based on a fictional profession

  43. Based on a fictional sport

  44. Imagine the villain is suing the hero or vice-versa

  45. Make up one-sentence story ideas

  46. Ask someone else what kind of story they would like to read

  47. Based on a particular aesthetic

  48. Based on Biblical stories or characters

  49. Write a fictional religious text

  50. Write a manifesto

  51. Write non-fiction

  52. Based on a comic book

  53. Based on a TV show

  54. Take the problems of one historical character and have a different historical character experience them

  55. Based on a web comic (eg, xkcd)

  56. Based on characters from popular toy franchises (eg, GI Joe)

  57. Write from the perspective of a journalist chasing a story

  58. Interview with hero

  59. Interview with the villain

  60. Based on a rare medical condition

  61. Based on a major catastrophe

  62. Take the villain (or hero) from one story and insert them into another

  63. Write about Donald Trump if he were in a different profession (eg, private investigator)

  64. Turn a Greek epic into a contemporary story

  65. Use a plot generator

  66. Use a character generator

  67. Draw a storyboard

  68. Pick different stock photos and relate them together

  69. What if a fact or assumption everyone agreed on turned out to be wrong?

  70. Write about an industry as if it were a different industry (eg, what if Apple and Microsoft were hospitals?)

  71. Use a selection of tropes as storytelling mechanisms

  72. Write about a weird or scary time in your own life

  73. Build a world first, then add the characters

  74. Build a detailed character first and then develop the plot

  75. Write about online communities as if they were IRL institutions

  76. Start with a visceral scene or concept and work outward from there

  77. Start with the ending and work backward

  78. Write some dialog between two characters with opposing wants and see if an idea is born out of that

  79. Start with a main idea/character/setting and mindmap out from there

  80. Use the life of an animal as inspiration for a story (eg, ants are like militant colonists)

  81. Start with a question and ask more questions

  82. Write about something you wish would happen

  83. Based on song lyrics

  84. Based on a sidekick to a popular hero

  85. Write about possible near-future events

  86. Write a short story first, then turn it into a novel

  87. Turn a play into a novel

  88. Create a story from a mad-lib-style template

  89. Create random characters from a generator and try to make a story with them

  90. Roll a D&D character (or two) and make a story out of them

  91. Write a story based on a published D&D adventure

  92. Write the plot of a Western into a modern day story

  93. Take the plot of a sci fi and turn it into a Western

  94. Sit outside and see where your mind takes you

  95. Create a magic system or game mechanic and then build a story out of it

  96. Write a story where each chapter is based on a joke

  97. Create a character that has an obscure phobia

  98. What's the scariest thing you can possibly imagine? Create a story about that

  99. Create a story that's preachy about a particular religious or political point

  100. Create a series of short stories that are tied together by theme or setting or something else (eg, they all take place in the same world)

date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 time: 8:07 PM tagged: @writing @plot

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