

DATE: January 12 class 6 th period

Group 1

Svetlana, Simona, Kristyna, Lili, Dominika, Anita Must learn conversation starter questions:
* I will give you the Czech question and you must write it in accurate English!! * > Světlana, Simona, Kristýna, Lili, Dominika, Anita Musíte se naučit úvodní otázky konverzace: LINK * Dám vám českou otázku a musíte ji napsat přesně anglicky!!

Group 2

Everyone else.

You will describe photos (just like maturita exam)

- weather - people - clothes - location - event Atmosphere - group - individual (mood)



Look at these statements url


(EnglishMaturita VideoTips)[https://www.google.com/search?q=maturita+tips+-+english-speaking&rlz=1C1GCEU_csCZ1011CZ1011&oq=maturita+tips+-+english-speaking&aqs=chrome..69i57.15440j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8]


Maturita_ English speaking part of the maturita test.

Cesky jazyk na google docs link

Here is what I know and how I can help you:

  • 1) Prepare for the greeting of the test-examiner. Answer some questions about your future or career, or about the school.
  • 2) Practice some of the exercises. Describing photos. Reading texts and answering questions.
  • 3) Listen to some of the recording from previous exams on the pages I will list below and answer the questions; and then answer questions.

1) Speaking I think that when you go into maturita you will be greeted in English. and they will ask questions. 2) Describing photos

  • a) They will probably ask you how are you? Practice the answers. (saying ANYTHING is better than saying nothing).
    • "I am nervous! but I am prepared".
    • "I am well, thank you. How are you? Are you here long for today?" (( Note that if you ASK the EXAMINER a question about how they are feeling, it will surprise them and show that you know how to make conversation.))
  • b) Maybe they will ask you one of these questions. (My suggestion is to think of the answers NOW so that you can practice them later). :
    • (i) "What do you want to do after you leave school?"
    • (ii) "What did you learn in this school?"
    • (iii) "How do you think you will use English?"
    • [[REMEMBER, You do not need to give the actual truth. You might speak in terms of what you hope to do, or want to do. Make the answer entertaining, colorful.]]

I suggest that you prepare yourself by writing a script of potential answers.

After I finish my training I need to go directly to work and earn money

  • because I have a family.
  • ... and my friend has a job for me at her salon.
  • I will start looking for work immediately. I have a few contacts and I want to specialize in this type of hair dressing.
    • I have already a job ready and maybe I will start after I have two months holiday.
  • I have been studying for the last 3-4 years and I want to take a break and travel.
    • I would like to go to London or Manchester. It is expensive so i need to save money for the trip.


  • I learned quite a lot about hairdressing profession and did well in the practice part of the exam. And so I think I can work well in a salon that foreigners will go to. Or, I can help a local salon to find foreigner clients. Most expats that live here probably speak English.
  • I would like to travel more and English is really very useful.
  • I want to work for an international company, with international clients.
  • I want to work for film companies, doing hair for actors. It is difficult to find work, but I have some good friends working in this type of work.


  • the school taught me a lot about running a business (the eknomie classes).
  • The school taught us much about a wide range of subjects. I do not know if I used all that I have learned here, but I understand why we were introduced to ICT (computer technologies), Czech history and language, and other topics. "It is better to speak with some intelligence to clients".

2) Describing photos.

  • I had this exercise with classes. The exercise is in the maturita text book. Look at page 105, Task One.
  • The exercise (and the maturita exam) gives photographs and you are to describe them.
    • Important. It is not only for you to list the details of people or location. It is Also for you to describe the Atmosphere, the feelings you have from the photo. Or even a memory that you have that the photo is reminding you about.
    • the list in the textbook is like this
      • people
      • place
      • clothes
      • activities
      • atmosphere
      • other (*) Atmosphere does not mean the layer of oxygen around the earth! It means the sense and feelings you have in your surroundings, or in someone else's environment. Or a surrounding influence or set of conditions a friendly atmosphere;; the main mood or feeling in a creative work.

this page is http://simp.ly/publish/FnQZBX

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