Russian Anki Deck

(Updated 07-25-21 by

NOTICE: This note has been deprecated in favor of Proto


Anki (available here for iOS, Android, Windows, OS X and Linux) is a what's called an SRS, or Spaced Repition Software. In short, it's digital flashcards that only have you study material that you're about to forget. This ends up being much more efficient than creating and studying handmade flashcards because it would take an inconceivable amount of effort to go through 4000+ flash cards every day. With digital flashcards, you can weave other kinds of media into your cards seamlessly. For example, in this collection, each card has the following:

  • Native speaker audio
  • Dictionary definition with examples
  • Pertinent links to the Wiktionary pages of each word, also integrating with Wikipanion on iOS
  • For verbs: Conjugation, perfective forms, and stress for each form

The flashcards contained in this deck were generated from the frequency list provided by this corpus. They're sorted in the order they appear in that list. Therefore, every word that you learn is slightly less frequent than the one that came before it. Definitions were taken from an old 90's era digital Russian->English dictionary, the name of which I don't know. Native audio is from the Wikimedia project and Forvo. Morphology from Starling.

How to Import into Anki

  1. Download the file from the link below, doesn't matter where.
  2. Open up Anki (on a non-mobile device.)
  3. Click File->Import and open the downloaded deck.
  4. It should show up in your deck list now. You can study by clicking on it. It will sync automatically to the AnkiWeb service.
  5. You can change the amount of new cards learned every day by clicking on the gear to the right of the sub-deck in question, clicking Options and changing the "New cards/day" option.


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