
Some easy don'ts regarding semicolons from https://domywriting.com/blog/how-to-write-a-reflection-paper/ can help you remember where they go.
DON'T: Use a semicolon to connect fragments
Use of semicolons is not acceptable to connect sentence fragments. When you have two partial ideas, this is not where you want to place a semicolon. You need to have to two complete ideas, or sentences, to use a semicolon. Each side of the punctuation mark should be a complete sentence.

DON'T: Include a semicolon and conjunction
Conjunctions are words that join two thoughts. And, or, yet, but, and nor are conjunctions. These words are used with a comma instead of use of a semicolon. You would not use a semicolon with any of those words in a sentence. If you were to leave out the conjunction, then you could use a semicolon.

DON'T: Forget about connecting two independent clauses
Another use of a semicolon is to join two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses are also main clauses. These clauses can stand alone as a sentence. You can use a semicolon to join these into a longer sentence.

The hard and fast rules of punctuation you learned in school, including the use of semicolons in sentences, may at times be pushed to the side as you write. There are no punctuation police to come and ticket you for expressing yourself with incorrect punctuation. Expert use of punctuation, however, is one way to keep a reader moving smoothly through your piece. Incorrect use of punctuation can lead to stilted sentence structure and a difficult read. Your writing is a reflection of you and your use of punctuation is a way for you to fluidly express yourself in your writing.
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