Cheng-Han Lin

Postdoc in Department of Civil Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Website: Online CV | Google Scholar | ORCID | Scopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate
Last updated: May 2024


Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2023 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Sep. 2012 - Jun. 2014 MSc in Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Sep. 2008 - Jun. 2012 BSc in Civil Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan



  • Awarded 2023 Best Doctoral Thesis from Taiwan Geotechnical Society (One of the two winners this year).


  • Awarded NTU Presidential Award in Academic Year 111 from National Taiwan University (one quota per department).
  • Awarded PhD thesis competition in 2023 Rock Mechanics and Engineering & Geological Engineering Conference.
  • Awarded Sino-Gotechnics 2022 Best Papers Award from Sino-Geotechnics Research and Development Foundation.


  • Awarded Student Paper Contest in the conference Geotech 2022.


  • Academic Year Doctoral Program Scholarship from Sinotech Foundation for Research & Development of Engineering Sciences & Technologies.


  • Doctoral Research Fellowship from Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, NTU.
  • For-tune Scholarship from Chinese Taipei Tunneling Association.


  • Awarded 2014 Best Master Thesis from Taiwan Geotechnical Society (three quotas per year).


Journal Paper

[12 SCI papers (5 as the first author and 4 as the corresponding author)]

Submitted/ Under review

  • Lin, C.-H.✉, & Lin, M.-L. (2024) Mechanics and characteristics of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in slate slopes: Insights from mechanical modeling. (Under review)


  • 柳鈞元✉、劉育良、林承翰、謝沛宸、林銘郎 (2023) 從關山-池上地震地表破裂跡回饋評東里地區跨活動斷層橋樑結構物之容許位移性能。地工技術,176,53-62。
  • Shiu, W.-J., Lee, C.-F., Chiu, C.-C.✉, Weng, M.-C., Yang, C.-M., Chao, W.-A., Liu, C.-Y., Lin, C.-H., Huang, W.-K., & GeoPORT Working Group. (2023). Analyzing landslide-induced debris flow and flow-bridge interaction by using a hybrid model of depth-averaged model and discrete element method. Landslides, 20(2), 331–349. (SCI)


  • Hung, C.-H., Chan, P.-C., Lin, C.-H.✉, & Lin, M.-L. (2022). Numerical investigation of the roles of gravel fabric on composite strata deformation induced by thrust faulting. Engineering Geology, 311, 106921. (SCI)
  • Weng, M.-C., Lin, C.-H., Shiu, W.-J., Chao, W.-A.✉, Chiu, C.-C., Lee, C.-F., Huang, W.-K., & Yang, C.-M. (2022). Towards a rapid assessment of highway slope disasters by using multidisciplinary techniques. Landslides, 19(3), 687–701. (SCI)
  • 林承翰✉、林邵儒、張育瑄、林銘郎 (2022) 節理岩坡之楔型破壞調查與分析案例介紹。地工技術,173,7-16。(獲選為地工技術2022年度最佳論文)
  • 謝沛宸✉、詹佩臻、鍾春富、朱聖心、李健宏、柳鈞元、林承翰、洪千惠、方儒雅、彭昱熙、劉育良、林銘郎 (2022) 工程設施如何面對與因應調適近斷層錯動:過去、現況、未來。地工技術,172,7-16。


  • Lin, M.-L., Lin, C.-H.✉, Li, C.-H., Liu, C.-Y., & Hung, C.-H. (2021). 3D modeling of the ground deformation along the fault rupture and its impact on engineering structures: Insights from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Shigang District, Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 281, 105993. (SCI)


  • Lin, C.-H., Hung, C.✉, & Hsu, T.-Y. (2020). Investigations of granular material behaviors using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian technique: From granular collapse to fluid-structure interaction. Computers and Geotechnics, 121, 103485. (SCI)


  • Lin, C.-H., Hung, C.✉, Weng, M.-C., Lin, M.-L., & Uzuoka, R. (2019). Failure mechanism of a mudstone slope embedded with steep anti-dip layered sandstones: Case of the 2016 Yanchao catastrophic landslide in Taiwan. Landslides, 16(11), 2233–2245. (SCI)
  • Weng, M.-C.✉, Lin, M.-L., Lo, C.-M., Lin, H.-H., Lin, C.-H., Lu, J.-H., & Tsai, S.-J. (2019). Evaluating failure mechanisms of dip slope using a multiscale investigation and discrete element modelling. Engineering Geology, 263, 105303. (SCI)
  • 洪瀞✉、劉至軒、林承翰 (2019) 應用有限離散元素法於分析大規模同震山崩。地工技術,161,45-52。
  • 林承翰、黃文昭✉、翁孟嘉、林銘郎、羅佳明、李宏輝 (2019) 逆向坡的逆襲:岩石逆向坡之變形特徵與破壞機制。自然科學簡訊,31(4),176-181。


  • Lin, C.-H.✉, Lin, M.-L., Peng, H.-R., & Lin, H.-H. (2018). Framework for susceptibility analysis of layered rock slopes considering the dimensions of the mapping units and geological data resolution at various map scales. Engineering Geology, 246, 310–325. (SCI)
  • Lin, C.-H., Li, H.-H., & Weng, M.-C.✉ (2018). Discrete element simulation of the dynamic response of a dip slope under shaking table tests. Engineering Geology, 243, 168–180. (SCI)
  • Li, H.-H., Lin, C.-H., Zu, W., Chen, C.-C., & Weng, M.-C.✉ (2018). Dynamic response of a dip slope with multi-slip planes revealed by shaking table tests. Landslides, 15(9), 1731–1743. (SCI)
  • Weng, M.-C.✉, Li, J.-H., Lin, C.-H., & Liao, C.-T. (2018). Measuring foliation tensile strength of metamorphic rock by using pull-off test. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 41(1), 20170078. (SCI)
  • 林承翰、翁孟嘉✉、林銘郎、羅佳明、黃文昭、李宏輝、林錫宏、彭厚仁、蔡尚均、翁正學 (2018) 精緻化順向坡穩定及影響範圍評估:以嘉義潮州湖與烏來忠治為例。大地技師期刊,17(6),14-28。


  • Lin, C.-H.✉, & Lin, M.-L. (2015). Evolution of the large landslide induced by Typhoon Morakot: A case study in the Butangbunasi River, southern Taiwan using the discrete element method. Engineering Geology, 197, 172–187. (SCI)
  • 楊士賢✉、詹佩臻、林承翰、林錫宏、徐明志、溫廷睿、林銘郎 (2015) 差異侵蝕岩石邊坡之調查與穩定分析-以台2線68k附近邊坡為例。中華水土保持學報,46 (1),38-46。(Scopus & GEOBASE)


  • 林承翰✉、莊心凱、林銘郎 (2013) 建立流域影像分類之規則集與其應用之可行性評估。中華水土保持學報,44 (3),215-224。(Scopus & GEOBASE)

Conference Abstract/ Paper (selected)

[11 oral presentations and 3 Posters in person]


  • Lin, C.-H., Weng, M.-C. & Lin, M.-L. (2024, September). Bridging long-term evolution and present-day activity of DSGSD through mechanical modeling: a case study in Chingjing region, Taiwan. 5th Conference on Slope Tectonics, Krtiny, Czech Republic.
  • 林承翰、郭覲豪、林于超、周昕成、陳俊樺、翁孟嘉 (2024, August) 臺鐵北迴線和仁隧道至清水隧道段遭遇0403花蓮地震之落石調查與模擬。 2024大地工程學術研討會,遠東香格里拉飯店,臺南。


  • 林承翰、林銘郎 (2023, October). 臺灣清境地區板岩邊坡重力變形特徵與過程研究。 2023岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會,國立陽明交通大學博愛校區,新竹。(口頭發表;博士論文競賽獲獎)
  • Lin, C.-H. & Lin, M.-L. (2023, October). Activity and kinematic behaviors of gravitational slope deformation in the slate belt of Taiwan. 15th ISRM Congress, Salzburg, Austria. (Oral presentation)
  • Lin, C.-H. & Lin, M.-L. (2023, May). Analyzing gravitational deformation kinematics of slate slopes by PSInSAR analysis and DEM simulation. 112年台灣地質地物學術研討會,龍潭渴望園區渴望會館,桃園。(海報發表)
  • Lin, C.-H. & Lin, M.-L. (2023, April). Internal structure and present-day activity of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (Chingjing, Taiwan). EGU General Assembly Conference 2023, Vienna, Austria. (Oral presentation)


  • 林承翰、林于超、林銘郎 (2022, November) 水力力學耦合分析應用於岩坡排水穩定工法之有效性探討。 第四十六屆全國力學會議,高雄科技大學建工校區,高雄。(口頭發表)
  • 林承翰、林銘郎 (2022, September) Assessing the performance of concrete dam subjected to earthquake faulting: Lesson learned from Shigang Dam. 2022大地工程學術研討會,將捷金鬱金香酒店,淡水。(口頭發表;學生論文競賽獲獎)


  • 林承翰、胡植慶、林銘郎 (2021, November) Ground deformation along the Chegualin fault between 2018 and 2020 from SBAS DInSAR observation. 110年台灣地質地物學術研討會,台灣中油公司人力資源處訓練所,嘉義。(口頭發表)


  • Lin, C.-H., Li, H.-H., & Weng, M.-C. (2019, October) Investigation of deformation pattern and sliding mode in dip slopes using discrete element method. The 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)
  • Lin, C.-H., Hung, C., & Lin, M.-L. (2019, April). Application of the approach of susceptibility analysis in rock slopes considering geological data resolution from regional to site scales. EGU General Assembly Conference 2019, Vienna, Austria. (Oral presentation)


  • 林承翰、李宏輝、翁孟嘉 (2018, August) Initiation and failure pattern of a dip slope with multiple weak planes under seismic loading. 2018海峽兩岸三地工程地質研討會,國立中央大學地球科學學系,桃園。(口頭發表)


  • 林承翰、林銘郎 (2014, May) 應用斜坡單元及分離元素法探討大型崩塌之演育。2014年地質與地球物理學術研討會。東華大學自然資源與環境學系,花蓮。(海報發表)


  • Lin, C.-H., & Lin, M.-L. (2013, November) Scale Parameter Determination in Automated Segmentation of Slope Units for Landslide Inventory Using Object-based Image Analysis. The 26th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Singapore. (Oral presentation)
  • Lin, C.-H., Chuang, H.-K., Lin, M.-L., & Huang, W.-C. (2013, July) Establishment of the watershed image classified rule-set and feasibility assessment of its application. The 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, America. (Oral presentation)
  • 林承翰、莊心凱、林銘郎 (2013, May) 建立流域影像分類之規則集與其應用之可行性評估。2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,龍潭渴望園區渴望學習中心,桃園。(海報發表)



  • Lin, C.-H., Lin, M.-L., & NTU Enginnering Geology Lab (2024, March) How numerical simulations can contribute to engineering design on fault-overburden-structure interaction. NCREE Seminar,國家地震工程研究中心,臺北。(Invited Talk)


  • 林承翰 (2023, December) 監測板岩邊坡重力變形之挑戰:以臺灣清境地區為例。 青山不老講座,青山工程顧問公司,臺北。(Invited Talk)
  • Lin, C.-H. (2023, November) From short to long? Challenges associated with DSGSD monitoring in Taiwan. Civil Engineering Seminar, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (Invited Lecture)


  • Lin, C.-H., Lin, M. -L., & Weng, M.-C. (2021, December) Assessing the performance of concrete dam subjected to oblique slip thrust faulting: a unified computation approach based on DEM. Post 17WCEE Workshop, Sendai, Japan. (Invited Online Talk)



  • Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Since 2023)
  • Journal of GeoEngineering (Since 2023)
  • Journal of Mountain Science (Since 2021)
  • Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (Since 2019)
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