TiTo peer mentoring model
Chester, A., Burton, L., Xenos, S., Elgar, K., & Denny, B. (2013). Transition in, Transition out: a sustainable model to engage first year students in learning. A Practice Report. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.5204/intjfyhe.v4i2.174
How to design a sustainable and scalable peer mentoring system for OERu?
University campus-based study investigating the effect of academic performance of 1st year students transitioning into univeristy study, mentored by 3rd year students.
n = 231 1st year face-to-face students
Experimental design comparing results of 1st year course in which mentoring took place compared with previous course with similar assessment but no tutorial-based mentoring.
The evidence presented in this Practice Report suggests that TiTo can provide a scalable solution to the provision of mentoring for all first year students, even in large cohorts. p129
Well designed study providing supporting evidence of improved academic performance of 1st year students after introduction of mentoring tutorials from senior students. However, the study notes the challenges of identifying sufffient mentor volunteers and notes the value of providing short orientations for new mentors. Limitations: Study conducted at campus-based university and will need consider how the model can be refined for the OERu online environment. Credibility: Reputable source from double-blind peer review journal.